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Can I have cosmetic tattooing done when pregnant or breastfeeding?You cant have your eyebrows tattooed when you are pregnant or exclusively breastfeeding. However, once your little one is on solids and is only substituting breastfeeding, it becomes a personal preference to you and I am happy to tattoo them if you would like them done or wait til you have completely stopped.
What aftercare do I need to follow after cosmetic tattooing?Try to avoid cleansers, makeup, sweating, swimming or direct water over the brows for 5 - 7days. Apply the aftercare cream morning and night for the first week. You only need a small amount and a good tip is to apply before your shower when washing your hair to protect from the water. It will be 2-3 weeks before the true colour appears after healing. If the colour is too light or patchy we can fix that at your touchup appointment. This is what the 6-8 week appointment is for. Make sure you don't pick or scratch off any scabs through the healing process.
What is the healing process for cosmetic tattooing?There is no direct downtime in which you will be red, swollen etc. Just a bit tender. Healing, consists of some scabbing or peeling, can take up to 2 weeks to heal. Then 3 weeks for the true colour to appear. The aftercare instructions given should be followed to ensure your eyebrows heal accordingly.
How do I prepare for my cosmetic tattooing appointment?Topical numbing cream needs to be purchased from any chemist and applied 1hr before your appointment. Please come with freshly washed hair, minimal makeup and avoid coffee the morning of your appointment, fish oil tablets and asprin 48hrs before your appointment.
When do I need to book a touchup appointment?After the initial session a follow up session needs to be done 6-8 weeks after that to perfect the brows. Once you have had them done a yearly touchup done 12-18months is recommended to keep the colour fresh, this is done as a single treatment.
What style do I book for?A full on consultation is done as part of the actual tattooing procedure. It is a good idea to do some research and have a look at some different styles of brows before you come but the correct procedure for you will be determined by your skin type and brow type. You just book for the first session and then we decide on the day from the consultation.
How long does the appointment take?I allow 2.5hrs for the appointment to go through full consultation, colour and shaping. This is also to allow for before and after photos to be done and so the appointment isn't rushed.
What is the downtime for the fibroblast treatment?For the following 48hrs there will be some swelling and discomfort. Aftercare cream must be applied and be careful to not get the area wet. You will have little crust dots that will be present for about 5 days.
Where do I get Compounding Numbing from?Canberra Compounding Chemist in Ainslie. Allow 1 week to order it. It can be ordered online or over the phone. Numbing Cream Risk Assessment (
How do I prepare for my fibroblast appointment?Your skin needs to be at optimal health before having a treatment done to have the best results. Professional skincare and treatments leading up to Plasma is recommended with at least 3 LED sessions done beforehand. Topical numbing cream will need to be applied prior to appointment which will need to be made from a compounding chemist.
What areas can be treated with Fibroblast?Most treatments are performed on the face, eyes and neck but treatments such as stretch marks, skin tags and cherry angiomas can be done anywhere on the body. Fine lines & wrinkles, Droopy eyelids, Crows feet, Lip lines/flip, Stretch marks, Skin tags and milia.
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